This is my boy Henry. He came to us from Jan and Buddy Dulin in Pickens, SC. I am eternally grateful to them for allowing us to have him. We got him for my teenage granddaughter who soon discovered other interests and left Henry and me with a recently purchased camper for shows. From the moment I met him, I knew that he and Evie would make me beautiful puppies and they are the basis for my kennel. Henry is a lovely boy who has been a delight to have in our home. Henry showed great promise for the conformation ring until a serious accident caused a delay in our hopes to travel to dog shows with him. After two months of recovery and pampering by me, Henry had my number and knew that he did not have to do anything at all to get my attention. My friend Shirley and I both tried to show this bright little boy. At one show he pretended to be lame and at another he rolled over and played dead! I was mortified! Henry has lovely conformation. Finally, I asked my friend Sue Whaley to show him and she finished him in one season. With Henry, Sue had the magic touch and I am eternally grateful to her for believing in him. Henry is now both an AKC and UKC Champion. He is now retired from the ring and spends his time being adored by us all. He has produced some lovely pups. Henry is a nice solid example of what a chihuahua should be.
Henry comes home to Williamsburg, Va.
This is Henry at 12 weeks old. Mike Philip and I drove to Pickens,SC to pick him up while Shirley showed all our dogs alone in Raleigh. Thanks, Shirley for all your help.
Henry gets Best of Winners with Sue!
Henry at Leesburg, Va getting Best of Winners. Many thanks to Sue Whaley.
Henry is now both an AKC and a UKC Champion! I'm Thrilled
Pasco Florida. Henry is a Champion!!! Thanks so much Sue. Because Henry would not show well for me after an injury , I lost faith in Henry as a show dog. At the Raleigh show Sue caught me leaving with him so dejected. I never planned to return to the show ring again. This thin woman made herself as big as the double doors I was trying to leave through blocking my way. She said "I still believe in Henry. I know I can finish him. Please believe in me". I learned a lot that day about not giving up from a lovely lady who didn't have to help me at all. I might have ended my show kennel that day and never come back to the ring. I would have missed some of the most wonderful experiences of my life. Henry has sired some wonderful dogs that I have enjoyed so much.
For information about Henry, please email me at [email protected].
Champion Belle Shoals Regarding Henry
Besides producing wonderful pups, Henry has become a family member. He guards over all the other dogs at our kennel and supervises play time with the pups. He brings us great joy. Henry's boy, White O Morn's Aztec Legend has just become a Grand Champion! Good work Henry!