This is Peyton. She is twelve weeks old. Peyton is a lovely girl who will grow to about 5 lbs. She has had her first shots and is litter box trained. She has a sweet and loving personality. She is looking for a forever pet home.
This is Einstein who is 14 weeks old and ready to go to a forever pet home. He is a lovely well built boy. He has had his first shots and is litter box trained.
My name is Ethel. I am so sweet and shy. I am 14 weeks old and looking for a forever home as well. I have had my first shots and I am litter box trained.
My name is Manning. I love to run and play. I am 12 weeks old and I am a female smooth coat chihuahua. I will be about 4 and 1/2 lbs. full grown. I have had my first shots and am litter box trained. I am looking for a forever, loving home.
We currenlty have several wonderful, loving adult dogs who are looking for permanent, forever homes. Only those who intend to devote themselves to one of these need apply.